Multi-Purpose Dry Oils: We Trial Lottie London and Nuxe’s Glow on Holiday

PS Photography / Lauren Gordon

There’s nothing I love more than a summer glow. A golden tan highlighted with an artificial shimmer hits the spot and makes you look like a bronzed goddess in pictures. Who doesn’t want that?

I grew up in the highlighter era, dusting cheekbones, cupid’s bows, eyebrow arches, collarbones and shoulder blades in powder that twinkled with every movement and glistened under the glow of golden hour. But those days are behind me and I don’t even think I own a powder highlighter any more, it all became a bit too much.

Now my girlfriends and I opt for a subtle approach. A body oil mixed with an illuminator – pre-mixed or DIY‘d, whatever suits your fancy. Lathered onto the exposed areas of our bodies before heading on a night out on the streets of Malta, Malaga, Barcelona. We call it the disco ball effect and an illuminating oil is now a must on the holiday check list.

With my birthday and a girls trip on the way, I was in desperately need of a new multi-purpose oil. The first that came to mind was Nuxe’s Huile Prodigieuse Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil (£20), the one I always spotted at Duty Free, but never had the coins to splurge on. Then, Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multi-Purpose Dry Oil (£10) came across my inbox. At first I didn’t think anything of it (I haven’t seen the show) but our beauty editor Lauren Ezekiel is a huge fan and it’s wise to make note of Lauren’s favourites, she knows her stuff!

Eventually, the two landed on my desk and I couldn’t help but compare them. They looked similar. They were both gold. They both offered a shimmer. But they were noticeably different in price, size and applicators. I made space for each of the oils in my travel bag and while on my summer holiday in Cape Verde, I took them both for a spin. Here are my thoughts.

Differences Between Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multi-Purpose Dry Oil and Nuxe’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

First things first, it’s unfair to discuss the price difference between Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multipurpose Dry Oil and Nuxe’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil without first mentioning how much product you get from each. The NUXE oil offers double the amount (100ml) of the Lottie London oil (50ml), so you’re paying £10 for more and you can’t knock that. Each of the bottles are slim and square so they won’t take up much space in your travel bag and are small enough to stay out of your checked luggage.

Next, the colour. The Nuxe oil is a deep, sandy colour with specks of gold illuminated throughout, whereas, Lottie London’s is a bright, almost cream colour with silver and gold, hence why it’s called Champagne Glow. Both can be used on your face, body and in your hair, ticking that multi-purpose box, but each has a different applicator. Lottie London’s is a small lid which lifts, allowing you to drop the product into your hands, while Nuxe’s is a heavy-duty spray applicator (which took me off guard but, after trying it out, I much prefer).

Which Lasts Longer? Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multipurpose Dry Oil or Nuxe’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil?

They’re both incredible skin enhancers and can help you stand out in any party, be that day or nighttime, but I found that the Nuxe oil, and its golden shimmer specifically, lasted a little longer.

What’s Worth Noting About Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multi-Purpose Dry Oil and Nuxe’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil?

Nuxe gives a satin, skin-like finish which balances out the intensity of the gold, making it subtle. This is mainly because it doesn’t give off a glow but if you look close enough you can see the small specks of gold catching the light as they sit on your skin. The oil itself doesn’t feel heavy or clammy and is practically weightless on the skin, a huge plus for any hot and sticky weather. I wasn’t a fan of the smell at first, but it soon grew on me and can only be described as rich and luxurious.

Admittedly, Lottie London’s oil feels greasy at first and the pass-off from the palm of my hand to my arms, legs and hair became a bit of a faff and I was worried more of the product was staying on my hands than actually going where I wanted it to. But once I massaged the oil into my skin, I actually let out a small gasp. The champagne shimmer on my shoulder complimented my tan (albeit in the poorly-lit hotel bathroom) and looked gorgeous, adding a nourishing, golden glow to my complexion and, in a way, finishing off my outfit for the evening.

Who Are Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multi-Purpose Dry Oil and Nuxe’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil Best For?

Nuxe’s oil is ideal for those wanting a subtle, bronzed shimmer that isn’t too oily or overpowering and has a nice scent that can compliment your perfume, not overtake it. On the other hand, for glowy skin and a visible, bright shimmer, opt for Lottie London’s oil.

There is only a £10 difference between these two, but I’d probably repurchase the Nuxe oil when I’m next at Duty Free because I think the colour would suit my winter skin as well as my summer tan, making it a great year-round product. But I’d have no qualms about using the Lottie London oil and plan on taking it away with me for my next girls’ trip to apply as a daily must-have.

Where Can You Buy Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multi-Purpose Dry Oil and NUXE’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil?

Lottie London’s Outer Banks Gold Multi-Purpose Dry Oil is available online, on the Lottie London site and on ASOS. NUXE’s Shimmering Multi-Purpose Dry Oil can be purchased online via LookFantastic and Cult Beauty.

Lauren Gordon is the editorial coordinator at PS UK, where she creates lifestyle and identity content. Lauren has a degree in journalism from University of the Arts London and previously worked as a showbiz and TV reporter at The Mirror US. Lauren specialises in pop culture, hair and beauty, focusing on trends, sharing in-depth tutorials, and highlighting hidden gems in the beauty industry.

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