I’m a Beauty Editor and These Are the 10 Beauty Products I Let my Tween Buy

Getty Images / Tetiana Soares

I recently took my eight-year-old daughter to New York for a family wedding. Before we got to the US, she had a list of things she wanted to do which included visiting Sloomoo Institute, aka the slime museum, checking out Target, buying an American Girl doll and going into every single Ulta and Sephora we passed. Yep, she is officially leaving the world of toys for skincare and it seems I can’t do anything about it. I have explained to her many times that as part of my role of associate editor at PS UK, and a former beauty editor, I get sent millions of beauty samples to try, but apparently it doesn’t count – we had to spend actual money for these products to be truly appreciated. You can sense my enthusiasm I’m sure.

I know I am not alone in dealing with a preteen who has been convinced by social media that they need skincare. I don’t believe this newfound love for beauty products is anything to do with changing their looks or anti-ageing (which in my opinion has been fuelled by various people trying to give parents another thing to worry about) and all about fitting in with their peers. It is about being part of the club, much like in the 90s it was about wearing certain brands or styles of clothing. Surely I wasn’t the only one who wore baggy jeans, cropped tops and checked flannel shirts with Timberlands to look like Lauryn Hill in Sister Act 2 aged 10?

I truly believe as long as you don’t allow tweens or teenagers to use ingredients that aren’t suitable for their skin, then there is no harm. I also think as parents we need to speak up – these kids don’t just find £90 under the pillow from the tooth fairy, if you’re the one paying you have the right to say no. This guide is one full of products that as far as I am concerned can be used safely and still fit into the cool brands your kids are coveting online.

Before I begin, these products are not designed to help beat blemishes or acne, tween or teen skin which is suffering from either should look at targeted treatments and advice from dermatologists and skin experts. However, brands I do recommend are Cetaphil, Cerave, La Roche Posay and Nip + Fab for spots and Avène for those suffering from eczema or rosacea. The below list is purely for fun and allows the tweens to feel like they have entered the skincare world, without causing any harm to skin.

Related: I’m a Beauty Editor, These are the 8 Cerave Products I Really Rate

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