The Best Cover-Up Transformations On Netflix’s Tattoo Redo

If we’ve learned anything from Netflix’s new reality series, Tattoo Redo, it’s that tattoo blunders are a lot more common than you probably realize. The show follows five established tattoo artists who, in each episode, are tasked with taking some of their clients’ most embarrassing and regrettable pieces of ink and transforming them into masterpieces with help from their loved ones. The episodes are currently captivating viewers because of their amazing tattoo transformations, though they also serve as an important reminder that maybe some things are better left . . . untouched.

So far, there have only been six episodes with three “redos” each, and even though it’s been amazing to see each artist work their magic to give their clients’ tattoos some fresh makeovers, we wouldn’t be who we are if we didn’t have a few favorites. Read ahead to check out some of the most impressive tattoo coverup from Tattoo Redo – and while you’re at, go ahead and marathon through all the episodes if you haven’t already.


Before Miryam Lumpini's Tattoo Redo

One of the artist’s coverups starts out as a naked lady that closely resembles a (wait for it) slice of pizza.


After Miryam Lumpini's Tattoo Redo

She covers it up with a giant rose.


Before Twig Sparks's Tattoo Redo

In the second episode, Twig fixes a butt tattoo of a ghost pepper chili with his best friend Dan’s name next to it – he got it after losing a bet.


After Twig Sparks's Tattoo Redo

As a way to keep the tattoo small, the coverup is a subtle one. He fills the pepper in with some color and adds a second pepper to cover up the name.


Before Matt Beckerich's Tattoo Redo

In episode one, Beckerich is tasked with covering up an unidentifiable piece of ink (she’s decided that it could either be a shield or some sort of weapon) that his client got on a whim from another celebrity artist.


After Matt Beckerich's Tattoo Redo

He covers it up with an elaborate bouquet.


Before Rose Hardy's Tattoo Redo

Hardy’s client visits the shop with the date that he married his ex-husband on his inner forearm.


After Rose Hardy's Tattoo Redo

His new partner suggests a cover-up featuring black cat being stabbed with a dagger as a nod to his love of horror films.


Before Tommy Montoya's Tattoo Redo

A wild night out lead to one client drunkenly getting a questionable (and unreadable) quote about honor tattooed on his shoulder blade.


After Tommy Montoya's Tattoo Redo

Montoya later covers the quote with a trippy skull and mushrooms design.

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