Sydney Sweeney on Acne, Anyone But You and Why Her Skincare Routine is a Must

Craig Barritt/Getty Images for LANEIGE US / RUO BING LI

When 11-year-old Sydney Sweeney approached her parents with a five-year business plan as to why they should take her to an open movie casting in LA, I doubt they would have realised just how much of that plan would come true – and then some. Emmy-nominated for her role in Gen Z cult favourite Euphoria, the lead in Anyone But You, one of the highest grossing rom coms of last year, and with brand deals coming out of her ears – it is no surprise she has quickly become one of the hottest and most recognisable young actresses in Hollywood.

One of her many brand deals is with TikTok favourite Laneige. The Korean brand had a global revival in 2019 thanks to its famous lip masks during lockdown and what it regards as a growing “moisture portfolio”. Its new Laneige Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic Acid, has quickly become a PS-rated gel moisturiser and as far as I’m concerned you can never have too many lip products – especially ones that make your lips feel and look as glossy as its balm and overnight treatments.

I was lucky enough to ask Sweeney a few questions about her career, how she feels about the beauty industry and the all important one – will there be an Anyone But You sequel? Read on to find out more.

To young girls struggling with the same battle, I would say to remember that beauty isn’t defined by your skin

Even with the business plan and parents who would regularly drive 20 hours to take her to auditions in LA, Sweeney struggling to break through and land any major roles until she was in her late teens. I wondered how she coped with maintaining her confidence, especially during this pivotal time, which can be hard enough in terms of breakouts and acne. “In high school and my early 20s I dealt with what felt like an endless struggle between hormones, products, environment all affecting my skin without control,” she tells PS UK. “It doesn’t make you feel the best, especially when life is throwing so much at you during that time!” This can be especially hard in a world where it can feel like you are constantly on display and needing to impress others and Sweeney has this messgage: “To young girls struggling with the same battle, I would say to remember that beauty isn’t defined by your skin; you are strong, intelligent, and uniquely beautiful just as you are. Acne is a small part of your journey that doesn’t diminish your potential.”

Image Source: LANEIGE

I wondered how she felt about now being a face of such a popular beauty brand and what her beauty routine means to her. “My entire skincare routine is a must have for me!” she tells PS UK. “I never go a night without washing my face, and never miss doing any of my skincare steps morning and night.” I asked if this was a new thing since being the face of Laneige in 2022, but it seems Sweeney’s love for beauty extends well beyond the brand deals. “I remember watching my mom lather lotion on her face when I was a little girl and I’d always be confused why she painted her face with lotion,” she tells PS UK. “Then I started following in her footsteps around 10 or 11 years old. It took many, many, many years to find what worked best for my sensitive skin. I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup until high school but in middle school she let me start using translucent powder,” she adds.

It took many many many years to find what worked best for my sensitive skin

In terms of Laneige she says it has had an overall positive impact on her, “I’ve never felt more confident to go makeup free since using the brand. I’ve noticed my skin change for the better and balance itself out,” she tells PS UK. She adds, “I wash my face with the Laneige Waterbank Foam Cleanser (£18), then layer on Laneige Bouncy and Firm Sleeping Mask (£32), as well as the Waterbank Eye Cream, every night – my Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask (£19) goes in my purse everywhere I go!”

And just before we ran out of time I had to ask if she would ever consider a sequel to Anyone But You? “Haha, if the right story comes along then yes,” she says. “Truly love that whole family. What an amazing experience!”

Lauren Ezekiel is an associate editor at PS UK, where she writes about all things beauty and wellness. With a degree in journalism and 12 years’ experience as a beauty editor at a leading Sunday supplement, she is obsessed with skincare, hair and makeup, and is often found offering advice to innocent bystanders. Her work has been published in Grazia, OK, Health and Beauty, The Sun, ASDA, Dare and Metro.

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