Everything You Need to Know About Naama Laser Tattoo Removal

“It will last forever!” is the exact phrase my mum uttered before I headed off to get my first tattoo and it’s haunted me ever since. Of course, as a 17-year-old, I completely ignored her advice and went ahead with one anyway. At the time I was heavily influenced by Tumblr and my blog was full of pictures of one tattoo in particular: three little black birds. If you were on the internet in 2013, you’ll know the exact design I’m talking about. After my first ink, I went ahead to build a collection of over fifteen tattoos, most of which I now regret. Some, I regret so much, I’ve actually had them covered up with another tattoo. What no one tells you about getting a cover up tattoo is that they’re often a lot bigger and a lot darker than the original. So now I’m left with a bunch of small tattoos I don’t really like but can tolerate and a huge, dark, badly-done cover up tattoo that I really hate.

Luckily, thanks to huge advances in technology, laser tattoo removal is now more accessible, affordable and advanced than ever before. Celebrities like Megan Fox, Victoria Beckham and Khloe Kardashian have all been vocal about removing their regrettable tattoos. One company really breaking through in the industry is Naama, a leading laser specialist based in Marylebone, London.

Disclaimer: I’m writing this two years into my laser tattoo removal journey. I’ve actually undergone eight sessions at a different tattoo removal studio that uses a Lynton laser – a laser which works at a much lower frequency than others. When I originally started my removal journey, I chose this slower option due to the affordability. While my tattoos have lightened during the process, I’m still a long way off from completely removing them which is why I started to look for other options, hence my introduction to Naama.

Naama laser tattoo removal differs from other methods, not only due to the exclusive equipment it uses, but also with its luxurious, empowering and empathetic approach to the removal journey – an approach popular with a whole host of celebrity clients including Munroe Bergdorf, Lily Cole and Alex Scott.

If you’re considering laser tattoo removal and want to find out if Naama is the best option for you, keep reading on to find out more about its pico laser system, session prices and how you can book a consultation.

About Naama Studios Laser Tattoo Removal

Naama has a refreshing take on laser tattoo removal. “Rather than focusing on regret or shame, we want people to see tattoo removal as a normal, healthy change,” Aoife Knox, head of brand and creative at Naama, explained.

It uses an ultra-low energy laser, developed by renowned physicists and dermatologists at Princeton University, which claims to quickly and gently remove tattoos without damaging the skin in the way other technologies do.

The Naama studio is based in central London and has a luxurious feel to it. The waiting room feels more like a hotel lobby than a laser removal clinic. Fresh coffee and ginger shots are on offer, beautiful artwork hangs on the walls and the Naama team are based in the centre of the room, creating a really warm and welcoming atmosphere.

How does Naama laser tattoo removal work?

Naama uses an exclusive piece of equipment called the LightSense™ laser. According to the Naama website, the LightSense™ laser system “emits a precise beam of energy that shatters the ink pigment through a combination of photothermal and photoacoustic effects. Macrophages ingest the resultant tiny ink particles, before they’re evacuated through the lymphatic system.”

One of the unique elements of this system is the spot size. The LightSense™ has an eleven times more precise spot size than the average pico laser – another popular tattoo removal laser available. The spot size is so small, it allows for precise and accurate removal.

It’s also a lot gentler on your skin than other options. With a shorter pulse width, in theory the treatment is less painful and has a faster healing time. This contributes towards the overall amount of sessions you’ll need to completely remove your tattoos.

I’ve always used numbing cream when undergoing laser treatment but after my first appointment with Naama, the technician advised that numbing cream can affect final results. After following her advice, I didn’t apply any numbing cream before my second appointment and boy, was that a mistake. I have a high pain tolerance and while I did manage to sit through the entire session (which took about twelve minutes) without taking a break, wow did it hurt. When people ask me what it feels like, I always liken it to spitting bacon fat from a pan. It’s a sharp, burning pain and definitely more painful than getting the tattoo in the first place. Bear in mind, this is on the machine’s lightest frequency. I’ll definitely be using numbing cream for my future appointments.

Naama advises that it will take a minimum of 8-12 sessions to completely remove the tattoo. Your first couple of sessions will begin on the lightest frequency which means recovery time is approximately four weeks. However, as you progress in your removal, the frequency of the laser will increase, therefore increasing the time in between sessions.

How much does Naama laser tattoo removal cost?

The cost of this treatment depends on a few factors; the amount of sessions you need, the size of your tattoo and the results you’re aiming for. Starting from £209 for a single session on a “micro” sized tattoo, prices go up to £3400 for a full removal package which includes unlimited sessions on an “ultra” sized area.

If you’re looking for a consultation and patch test to learn more about if this is the right option for you, a consultation costs £69 but it is not mandatory before starting treatment.

While 8-12 sessions are recommended, this is just an average number. It completely depends on the size of your tattoo, how your skin reacts to treatment, any scarring on the area and the ink used in your tattoo which will affect the total cost of your treatment.

What to Consider Before Booking Naama Laser tattoo

Full removal of a tattoo is never guaranteed. In theory, if you keep going, you should be able to completely remove a tattoo with any laser removal process however factors like tattoo size, ink density, location on the body and your age all contribute towards the final result.

I have some scarring from my previous tattoo removal sessions which might mean that area of my tattoo will never be fully removed.

While 8-12 sessions are recommended to completely remove a tattoo, that number is only an average. I’ve currently had eight sessions with a previous laser and two sessions with Naama and I’ve been advised that I’m probably still looking at another twelve sessions to even reach a faded result.

How to Book Naama laser tattoo removal

Visit the Naama website to view treatment options including consultations, single sessions and full removal packages.

Alternatively, you could visit the studio in central London to enquire about removal directly.

Chloe Dunn is a social content producer at PS UK. With more than six years of experience in social media marketing, she is always on the lookout for the latest viral buzz. Working across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest, Chloe specialises in bringing people together virtually and building global online communities. She has previously worked in the music industry, including at a major record label and for the UK’s biggest group of music venues.

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