Caleb Defends Vulgar Remark That Stunned “FBOY Island Australia” Viewers

fboy island australia caleb

We quickly learnt that “FBOY Island Australia” is never short on drama, and there’s usually one main culprit (AKA villain). The show’s controversial firestarter is Caleb, a 31-year-old personal trainer hailing from NSW via the USA. With his charismatic charm and chiselled looks, it was clear early on that Caleb was an ‘FBoy’. However, he shocked viewers and his fellow contestants with a jaw-dropping comment that we’re still trying to wrap our heads around.

In an early episode, Caleb dropped a bombshell when he declared that Molly “ain’t got no good p***y”. Cue the gasps, the raised eyebrows, and the general sense of “Did he really just say that?!”

If you’d like the context, Caleb made the uncalled-for comment after Molly revealed that she found her ex-fiancé cheating on her with an escort.

Related: Game-Changing Twist: “FBOY Island Australia” Unmasks the “FBoys” and “Nice Guys”

Even now, the ‘FBoy’ is standing behind what he said, claiming that he was simply being true to himself.

“FBOY Island”‘s Caleb Doubles Down

“I felt like I was the most natural person when it came to just being me on the show,” he told “You know, I got a big personality. Everybody’s like, ‘Get him off [the show]’ at the beginning.”

While many of his fellow contestants and viewers were horrified by his derogatory statement, Caleb didn’t see the problem. In fact, he insisted that he was being brutally honest, tackling a taboo topic head-on.

“I was kind of shocked about the reactions of other contestants because these guys act like this doesn’t happen, but this is a true issue,” he told the publication.

“I don’t think I was being terrible. With that particular guy [Molly’s ex], having to get an escort, she was with him just a couple of hours before. I think I was being real honest because I’ve been with women and their vagina is just not that good. Be real. You want me to be a real guy or you want me to tell the women what they want to hear?”

Um, weren’t you doing exactly that when you were trying to disguise yourself as a ‘Nice Guy’? Anyway, moving on.

“It’s a Double Standard”

Caleb wasn’t afraid to call out the double standards surrounding discussions about intimate matters.

“I’ve had some instances where if you have a small penis, the girl’s gonna laugh at you. But if the girl has a vagina and it’s not that good, it’s not getting wet, it’s not moist? It is a double standard,” he argued. Love him or hate him, Caleb certainly isn’t afraid to challenge societal norms and spark controversial conversations.

Regardless, it looks like the whole no-nonsense approach didn’t end too well for the contestant — Caleb was eliminated from “FBOY Island Australia” after he was forced to reveal his ‘FBoy’ status.

Missed an episode? Catch up on all the drama on BINGE.

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