The Bachelor Jimmy Nicholson Aired the Show’s Dirty Laundry, and Boy it’s Juicy

The Bachelor Jimmy Nicholson has laid all of the show’s dirty laundry out to air, as he accused certain contestants of competing on the show for Instagram clout.

Appearing on SAFM’s Bec, Cosi and Lehmo, Jimmy was asked about how many women will be leaving the show tonight.

How many tonight? Ah, I don’t know you’ve put me on the spot. I know two leave tonight,” he said. “One of them is a long time coming, she’s been pulling the wool over my eyes for a while now. I’m sure it not hard to guess who that one is.”

One legend and one person I probably never want to see again. A bit nasty that one.”

He went on to expose some of the girls on the show, saying they only appeared on the series to increase their online presence.

“You can see there are some who just kind of want to get their Instagram following up, or whatever, and then some who are genuine,” he said.

On the show, one stand out mean girl is Stephanie, who openly admits to hating pilots and has gotten into her fair share of drama with the other women in the mansion.

But it seems there’s plenty of slander occurring behind-the-scenes, as Jimmy said some of the girls went on to spread rumours about him after they left the show.

“There’s a couple of them. It’s not just the stuff you see on TV, it’s how they’ve behaved afterwards. A couple of them with WhatsApp groups and stuff like that,” he said. 

“It’s where you see their true colours. One, in particular, is spreading rumours about me which are completely untrue, it’s kind of disappointing.”

And as for how many women he’s kissed on the show so far? (Spoiler alert: it’s a lot).

“You’ll have to ask my partner, she’s pretty up to speed on that stuff,” he said. “I thought it was seven?”

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