Runners, This Physical Therapist's Leg and Butt Strength Workout Is Calling Your Name

As runners, we know how important it is to log miles and improve our endurance, but you might be surprised to learn that strength workouts are just as crucial to keep you running strong. Building strength can help you get faster, ramp up your stamina, and avoid overuse injuries (the bane of a runner’s existence).

That’s why we’re presenting you with this glute and leg strength workout created specifically for runners by physical therapist, certified strength and conditioning coach, and RRCA-certified Level 1 and 2 running coach Lauren Wentz. You don’t need racks of dumbbells for for this routine; instead, we’ll be focusing on functional strength and preventing the “muscular imbalances and injuries that occur from the repetitive nature of running,” Wentz said. Because running is a “single-legged” activity (first one leg bears your weight and propels you forward, then the other), you’ll do exercises that work one leg at a time, helping you develop equal strength and balance in your lower body. These moves are meant to help you correct imbalances between your right and left sides as well as between opposing muscles (muscles that work in opposition to each other, like your quads and hamstrings). Altogether, this workout “can assist in improving running gait mechanics and prevent mobility issues,” Wentz explained.

So grab your water, and swap your running shoes for some resistance bands! Check out the full workout below to help you improve your functional strength and stay injury-free on your runs.

Butt and Leg Workout For Runners

Equipment needed: Resistance bands, small yoga block or ball, two medium-to-heavy dumbbells or one kettlebell, and an exercise ball. Modifications will be provided if you don’t have an exercise ball.

Directions: Start with the warmup and glute activation exercises below. Then begin the workout, completing all the sets for each exercise before continuing to the next move. (For example, do both sets of the single-leg bridge with ball squeeze, then do both sets of the banded split squat, and so on.) Take short breaks as needed. Finish the workout with the short cooldown below.


Exercise Sets and Reps
Squat to overhead reach 1 set of 10 reps
Good morning 1 set of 10 reps
Lunge with knee to chest 1 set of 10 reps

Glute activation exercises: put a looser looped resistance band around your ankles and tighter (higher resistance) band above your knees.

Exercise Sets and Reps
Standing clamshell 2 sets of 12 reps
Monster walk 2 sets of 10 reps
Side step 2 sets of 10 reps
Diagonal step tap 2 sets of 10 reps
Jab step 2 sets of 10 reps
Glute star 2 sets of 8 reps


Exercise Sets and Reps
Single-leg bridge with adductor ball squeeze 2 sets of 8 reps on each leg
Banded split squat 2 sets of 10 reps on each leg
Lateral lunge 2 sets of 12 reps on each leg
Single-leg deadlift 2 sets of 8 reps on each leg
Exercise-ball hamstring curl 3 sets of 12 reps
Banded hip extension 2 sets of 8 reps on each leg
Goblet squat 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
Alternating elevated heel tap 2 sets of 5 reps on each leg
Slider reverse lunge 2 sets of 12 reps on each leg
Single-leg exercise-ball squat 2 sets of 6 reps on each leg
Eccentric heel raise 2 sets of 12 reps on each leg


Exercise Sets and Reps
Half Pigeon pose 3 holds of 30 seconds on each leg
Lizard pose to half split 3 holds of 30 seconds on each leg
Runner’s gastrocnemius stretch 3 sets of 30 seconds on each leg
Half-kneeling hip flexor stretch 3 holds of 30 seconds on each leg
Toni Kengor

Warmup: Passive Squat to Overhead Reach

  • Stand in front of a pole or door frame with your feet hips-width apart, toes turned out slightly.
  • Reach out and hold your support in both hands with your arms slightly bent.
  • Looking straight ahead, slowly bend at both your hips and knees, ensuring your knees remain in line with your toes. As you lower down, walk your hands down the pole to support your weight. Keep your weight in your heels, your abs tight, and your back flat.
  • When you get to the bottom of your squat, take all of your weight back into your legs and let go of the pole, lifting your hands straight up in the air.
  • Push through your heels, and stand to return to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps.
Toni Kengor

Warmup: Good Morning

  • Stand with your feet hips-width apart and your hands on your hips.
  • Pull your abs to your spine and keep your back straight while pressing your butt backward, bending forward from your hips, until your back is almost parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your knees as you bend forward, and make sure your lower back doesn’t hunch.
  • Return to standing, squeezing your glutes when you straighten up.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps.
Toni Kengor

Warmup: Lunge With Knee to Chest

  • Start standing with your feet hips-width apart and your hands on your hips.
  • Take a big step forward with your left foot and lower into a lunge, making sure your left knee doesn’t come in front of your toes.
  • Push through your left heel and step your right foot forward to come out of the lunge.
  • Without putting your right foot down, lift your right knee and use your arms to hug it to your chest for a hip stretch.
  • Step forward with your right foot, repeating the lunge and knee to chest movement on the other side.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps.
Toni Kengor

Glute Activation: Standing Clamshell

  • With bands above your knees and ankles, bend your knees slightly and put your hands on your hips.
  • Lift the heel of your right foot, keeping your right toes and left foot on the ground.
  • Shift your right knee to the side, turning it slightly. Squeeze your right glute, and initiate the move from your glute, not your foot.
  • Bring your knee back to face forward in the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 12 reps, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Glute Activation: Monster Walk

  • With the bands above your knees and hips, stand with your feet wider than hips-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Step forward and to the right with your right foot, keeping tension in the bands the whole time.
  • Repeat with your left foot.
  • Take five steps forward and five steps backward, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Glute Activation: Side Step

  • With the bands above your knees and hips, stand with your feet wider than hips-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • With your right foot, step to the right as far as you can. Set your foot down heel first to engage your glute.
  • Step your left foot to the right to return to the starting position.
  • Continue stepping to the right for 10 steps, then go to the left for 10 steps. Repeat for two sets. If you don’t have enough room, step back and forth for 10 reps.
Toni Kengor

Glute Activation: Diagonal Step Tap

  • With the bands above your knees and hips, stand with your feet wider than hips-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Step forward and to the right with your right foot, keeping tension in the bands the whole time.
  • Step your left foot to meet your right, and tap your left toes on the ground.
  • Repeat with your left foot, taking a step diagonal to the left and tapping with your right foot.
  • Take five steps forward and five steps backward, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Glute Activation: Jab Step

  • With the bands above your knees and hips, stand with your feet together, knees slightly bent.
  • Staying in the half-squat position, tap your right foot out to the side.
  • With control, quickly bring your foot back to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Glute Activation: Glute Star

  • Start lying on your right side with a band above your knees, right arm bent beneath you and left arm on your hip. (Do not use an ankle band for this exercise.) Your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle and in line with your hips.
  • Pull your abs toward your spine as you lift your hips off the floor.
  • Keeping your hips lifted, lift your left leg toward the ceiling.
  • Set your left leg back down, and lower your hips back to the ground.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete eight reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Single-Leg Bridge With Ball Squeeze

  • Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a small ball or yoga block between your knees. Be sure to keep your feet underneath your knees, not in front, and plant your palms by your sides.
  • Lift your right foot off the ground, keeping your thighs parallel.
  • Squeeze the ball or block, and push through your left heel to raise your butt and lower back off the ground. Squeeze your glutes and tense your abs, keeping your body in one straight line when you get to the top (so, no arch in your back).
  • Pause at the top of the movement, and squeeze your glutes.
  • Lower back down with control.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete eight reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Banded Split Squat

  • Anchor one end of a looped resistance band to a doorframe or pole at knee height on your right side. Step into the band with your left leg, placing it above your knee.
  • Take a big step back with your right foot, and place your hands on your hips. This is your starting position.
  • Bend your left knee and lower into a lunge, keeping your abs tight and your torso still without leaning forward too much. Keep your left knee over your toes. Resist the band, and don’t let it pull your knee inward.
  • Lower down until your right knee almost touches the ground.
  • Push through your left heel to return to standing.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Lateral Lunge

  • Start standing with your feet hips-width apart.
  • Lift your right leg with control, bringing your knee toward your chest. Keep your abs tight and pulled in toward your spine, and don’t let your back bow forward.
  • Turn your right knee out to the side, and take a big step laterally to the right.
  • Immediately lower your hips into a lateral lunge, sitting your hips back like you’re going to sit in a chair, bending your right knee and keeping it over your ankle. Don’t let your ankle push in front of your toes, and keep your chest lifted. Keep your left leg straight and your core pulled in as you lunge.
  • Push through your right heel to come back to standing, pulling your right knee back to your chest. If you can, keep your balance and don’t set your right foot back down until the end of the set.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 12 reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Single-Leg Deadlift

  • Start standing with your feet hips-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand or one kettlebell with both hands. If you don’t have dumbbells or a kettlebell, put your hands on your hips.
  • Lift your right foot slightly off the ground.
  • Keep your back flat and core tight as you lean your entire torso forward, simultaneously raising your right leg behind you. Keep your right leg in line with your body and your hips square to the ground, not letting your right hip open up. Lower the dumbbells to the ground, and keep your right shoulder blades pulled down your back. Your left knee will bend slightly as you lower down.
  • With your back straight and core tight, lift your torso back to standing and bring your right foot back down. If you can, keep your right foot off the ground as you move through your reps.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete eight reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Exercise-Ball Hamstring Curl

  • Lie down on your back with a large exercise ball near your feet. Roll the ball so it’s a few inches from your butt, and lift your heels to balance on top of the ball. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle. If you don’t have an exercise ball, simply place your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.
  • Dig your heels into the ball to lift your hips and lower back off the ground, like you’re doing a glute bridge. Squeeze your glutes and tense your abs, keeping your body in one straight line when you get to the top (so, no arch in your back). Your shoulder blades should still be flat on the ground. If you don’t have an exercise ball, lift your hips in a traditional glute bridge.
  • Continue squeezing your glutes as you extend both legs, rolling the ball away from you. If you don’t have an exercise ball, take a few small steps to walk your feet out away from you.
  • Roll the ball back toward you like a hamstring curl, moving with control and keeping your glutes and abs tight. If you don’t have an exercise ball, walk your feet back toward your glutes. Keep your hips lifted as you move through the reps.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 12 reps, then repeat for three sets.
Toni Kengor

Banded Hip Extension

  • Start kneeling on your hands and knees, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Place your right knee on an elevated surface like a yoga block or a thick book.
  • Loop a large band around your left toes, and place the other end under your left hand as an anchor. If you don’t have a band, do the exercise without one.
  • Extend your left leg straight back, keeping your hips square to the ground and toes pointed down, resisting the band. Squeeze your glutes and pulse your leg slightly when you get to the top. Keep your back flat with no extra arch.
  • Slowly lower your left leg and bend it to return to the starting position, keeping your left knee and foot hovering above the ground.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete eight reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Goblet Squat

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width with your toes pointed slightly out. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at chest level with both hands.
  • Keeping your back flat and chest lifted, sit your hips back and bend your knees to come into a squat. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your elbows touch the inside of your knees, or as close as you can get.
  • Push through your heels to stand back up, making sure your knees continue to stay in line with your ankles (not dipping in or splaying out). Squeeze your glutes when you get to the top, pushing your hips forward slightly.
Toni Kengor

Alternating Elevated Heel Tap

  • Start standing on a slightly elevated surface, about two to three inches off the ground, like a book, a small platform, or a weight plate laid flat on the ground. Your feet should be a few inches apart and your hands on your hips.
  • Lift your right foot, and bring your right knee up to hip height.
  • Bend your left knee slightly, and come into a shallow squat as you extend your right foot forward. Lower down until you can tap the ground in front of you with your right heel. Keep your core tight and your chest lifted as you squat, and make sure to keep your hips level so your right hip doesn’t drop.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest again as you push through your left heel and come back to standing.
  • Bend your left knee into the same half squat, this time extending your right leg out to the side. Tap the ground with your right toes.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest again as you push through your left heel and come back to standing.
  • Bend your left knee into a half squat, this time extending your right leg back behind you as far as you can. Tap the ground with your right toes. Keep your core tight and chest lifted the whole time.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest again as you push through your left heel and come back to standing.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete five reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Slider Reverse Lunge

  • Start standing with your feet hips-width apart and your right foot on a slider, paper plate, or small towel. Place your hands on your hips.
  • Keep your toes on the slider as you extend your right leg back behind you, sliding your right foot backward and bending your left leg until it comes to a 90-degree angle. Make sure your left knee stays over your ankle.
  • Push through your left heel to come back to standing, sliding your right foot forward as you return to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 12 reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Single-Leg Exercise-Ball Squat

  • Start standing with a wall on your right side. Place a large exercise ball on the wall at knee height. If you don’t have an exercise ball, you can use a soccer ball or basketball.
  • Bend and lift your right knee. Place it against the ball, pushing against the ball to keep it in place.
  • Bend your left leg to perform a mini squat, keeping your abs pulled in toward your spine and your chest lifted. Make sure your knee stays over your ankle. The ball will roll down the wall a bit as you squat.
  • Push through your left heel to come back to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete six reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.

If you don’t have a ball to push into, place a pillow on the wall. Take out the mini squat and just focus on pushing your knee into the pillow.

Toni Kengor

Eccentric Heel Raise

  • Start standing with your feet hips-width apart, facing a wall. Place your right hand on the wall, keeping a slight bend in your right elbow. This is your starting position.
  • Rise up onto your toes, and bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle, lifting your right foot behind you.
  • Lower your left heel to the ground while keeping your right foot in the air.
  • Set your right foot on the ground to return to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 12 reps on each leg, then repeat for two sets.
Toni Kengor

Cooldown: Half Pigeon Pose

  • Come into a Downward Dog pose: start on hands and knees with your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders. Flex your feet so your toes are pointing to the ground, then push through your hands to lift your hips up and back.
  • Lift your right foot, extending your right leg up behind you to come into a Three-Legged Dog pose.
  • Bend your right leg as you bring your knee toward your right hand. Your body should lower into a plank-like position with one foot on the ground.
  • Set your right foot, shin, and knee down, parallel to the top of your mat if you can. If you can’t get your shin parallel, bend your knee further and bring your foot closer to your hips.
  • Balance above your leg on both hands, feeling a stretch in your right hip. To increase the stretch, lower down onto your forearms. If your right glute doesn’t touch the ground, you can set a yoga block, bolster, or pillow underneath it to give you something to push into. You can also lean your forearms on blocks if you want to increase the stretch without going all the way down to the ground.
  • Hold for 30 seconds.
  • To come back out of the stretch, rise back up onto your hands. Push into your palms and lift your back leg off the ground, then pull your right leg up and back to return to your Three-Legged Dog pose.
  • Set your right foot back down to return to your Downward Dog pose.
  • Repeat this sequence twice more on your right leg (for three 30-second holds total), then repeat for three 30-second holds on your left leg.
Toni Kengor

Lizard Pose to Half Split

  • From Downward Dog, lift your right leg back behind you to come into Three-Legged Dog.
  • Bring your right foot to the outside of your right hand to come into Lizard pose. Keep both hands flat on the ground, and balance on your left toes.
  • Set your left knee down, and extend your left foot so the top of your foot is against the ground.
  • Walk your hands backward, and shift your hips backward until they’re just above your left foot. You should feel a stretch through your right hamstring. If you can’t reach the ground with your hands, place your hands on yoga blocks or books.
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Slide your hips and hands forward to come back to Lizard pose.
  • Push into your palms, flex your left foot, and lift your body, pushing your hips back and extending your right leg in the air to return to Three-Legged Dog.
  • Place your right foot on the ground to come back to Downward Dog.
  • Repeat for three short holds on each leg.
Toni Kengor

Runner's Gastrocnemius Stretch

  • Start standing with your feet hips-width apart, facing a wall or pole. Place both palms on the wall with a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Step your right foot back, and press your right foot to the ground, or as close as you can get. Push into the wall to increase the stretch in your calf.
  • Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat for three holds on each leg.
Toni Kengor

Half-Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Start kneeling with your left knee on the ground and your right leg bent in front of you. Both legs should form 90-degree angles.
  • Tilt your pelvis slightly forward, like you’re tucking it underneath your torso.
  • Lean slightly forward into your right knee. You should feel a stretch along the front of your right hip and quad, in your hip flexor.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for three 30-second holds on each leg.

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