15 Figure Skating Jumps, Spins, and Other Moves, Explained

No one can blame you for not being able to peel your eyes away from Olympic figure skating – but between the sport’s complicated scoring system, the vast number of jumps and other skills the skaters perform, and the onslaught of sequins, it’s OK if you’re feeling as overwhelmed as you are fascinated.

Each of the different figure skating disciplines has its own distinctive features, but understanding even a handful of basic elements and terms will help you better track what’s happening across the board. Figure skating is a fast-moving sport, and it can sometimes be difficult to identify every element in real time – especially jumps, which can only be distinguished by looking closely at a skater’s feet. During the live broadcasts, there will always be a scoring box on screen that labels the elements (and their levels and grades of execution), but this guide is a good place to start if you want to learn more about the most common figure skating moves.

First, let’s get one important thing out of the way. You’re going to hear a lot of talk about “edges,” both here and on TV, and having a basic understanding of edges is key to deciphering jumps and step sequences. So what is an edge, exactly? A figure skating blade is made from a thin piece of metal, which has a very narrow “flat” surface and two sharp edges – imagine a knife with a super-thick blade, and you have a general idea. Figure skaters move by skating on the edges, or the actual sharp parts of the blade.

When it comes to jumping, edges are of the essence. Jumps are identified by whether or not they use a toe-pick assist for takeoff as well as which edge they take off from. An “inside edge” refers to the blade edges that lean “in” towards the other foot; an “outside edge” is the edge of the blade on the “outside” of each foot, or away from the body. And, with that, you’re ready to dive into more figure skating terms.

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What Is a Salchow Jump in Figure Skating?

The salchow is typically considered the easiest of the edge jumps, or jumps that do not use a toe pick to assist on takeoff. It requires a takeoff from the back inside edge of one foot, then a landing on the back outside edge of the opposite foot.

Getty / Fred Lee

What Is a Loop Jump in Figure Skating?

A loop jump is also an edge jump, with no toe-pick assist on takeoff. It takes off from the back outside edge of one foot, then lands on that same back outside edge.

Getty / Valery Sharifulin

What Is a Camel Spin in Figure Skating?

Spins in figure skating tend to involve several different positions. You’ll see many of these both on their own or in sequence or “combination.” A camel spin involves the skater extending one leg behind them at a 90-degree angle while they spin on the other foot. Skaters’ bodies will look a little like an upside-down “L” shape during the camel spin.

Getty / Matthew Stockman

What Is a Sit Spin in Figure Skating?

Sit spins have one major identifying factor: the spinning leg is bent at the knee into a crouch. The free leg may be held in any other position: to the front, back, or side.

Getty / Jean Catuffe

What Is an Upright Spin in Figure Skating?

All spins in this group involve spinning on one leg while the other leg is elevated and extended in any position that’s not a 90-degree angle. Layback spins, in which a skater holds one leg at an angle behind them while arching their upper body to look upwards, are one of the most popular types of upright spins. Some skaters do a “catch foot” variation, where they grab the blade of their free leg during the spin.

Other popular upright spins require even more flexibility. An “I” spin requires the skater to lift their free leg all the way up at 180 degrees so that their body appears to form a capital “I” shape. You also might see a Biellmann spin, in which the skater grabs their free leg, holds it behind and above their head, and arches their upper body, as shown here.

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