Butternut Pumpkin and Sweet Potatoes Add Fibre and Flavour to Your Dish, but Which Has More Carbs?

Butternut squash (surprisingly a fruit) and sweet potato (vegetable!) are staples in delicious dishes. If you’re wondering how they differ in nutritional value, we’ve got you covered with the handy chart ahead, and we also spoke with some dietitians about their opinions of the two flavourful ingredients.

(1 cup)
Sweet potato
(1 cup)
Calories 63 114
Fat (g) 0.1 0.1
Carbs (g) 16 26
Fibre (g) 2.8 4
Sugar (g) 3.1 5.6
Protein (g) 1.4 2

Butternut squash has fewer calories, grams of sugar, and carbs per cup than a sweet potato. Neither is particularly high in protein (fruits and vegetables shouldn’t be your sole source of protein anyway), but you can certainly combine them with other ingredients to make a high-protein meal – take this sweet potato bread, for instance.

Chef and registered dietitian Tessa Nguyen, RD, LDN, told POPSUGAR that butternut squash and sweet potato are quite comparable “both nutritionally and with cooking applications. They’re both affordable, delicious, and versatile ways to work in a wholesome carbohydrate rich in vitamins A and C, fibre, and potassium.”

Dietitian and founder of Culina Health Vanessa Rissetto, MS, RD, CDN, told POPSUGAR that butternut squash and sweet potato both add fibre, and they have a sweeter taste, which she noted can help some people who are interested in satisfying their sweet tooth without true desserts. “They are both a complex carb [and] can help with feeling full, and that’s a perfect food in my book,” Rissetto said.

Nguyen said that people with diabetes can “confidently” eat butternut squash and sweet potato interchangeably, “as per their individual needs of carbohydrate intake.” However, when in doubt, always consult with your doctor (and moderation is key).

As for recipes, Nguyen said they’re great in both sweet and savoury dishes. You can find some of her favourites, such as sweet potato blueberry coconut oatmeal and sweet potato white bean burgers, here (she said you can use butternut squash in place of sweet potatoes, too). Rissetto personally likes to add sweet potatoes to her eggs.

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