The Sims 4 Might Be Finally Getting Gender Neutral Pronouns

An image posted to Twitter by @TheSimCommunity, showing a Sims character wearing a shirt with a pattern that looks like the Transgender Pride flag.

Last year, a petition on asking EA to add gender neutral and non-binary pronouns to The Sims 4 gathered over 20,000 signatures. Since then, the developers have announced they’re working on a feature to allow players to customise their pronouns in Create A Sim — and now players think this feature is about to be added to the game.

The theories began when the game’s official website was updated following the announcement of the new Go Wild game pack. First picked up by @Mischaloola and reported on by Sims Community, the update added the photo of a Sim wearing a shirt with a pattern that looks a lot like the Transgender Pride flag, along with a tagline that reads “Step into the moonlight and explore who you are after dark”. Fans think the image, coupled with the tagline about exploring your identity, point to the upcoming release of customisable pronouns.

Interestingly, the photo that kicked off the speculation has since been removed from the website. EA also hasn’t responded to the theories one way or another. The tagline is still front and centre on the website, though, and the main colours on the page are still purple, pink and blue like the Transgender Pride flag.

We might be wrong, and the update (which doesn’t have a release date yet) might just add Go Wild plus the Chic Nights Out and Cozy Nights In stuff packs. Fans also believe the new game pack will add werewolves, which would fit in with the nighttime theme and the idea of figuring out who you really are.

Either way, EA seems committed to adding greater representation to the game. “While pronouns are a very important piece when it comes to greater inclusivity for The Sims 4, we understand that customizable pronouns will not make the game 100-percent gender neutral,” EA wrote. “Making The Sims 4 more inclusive of gender neutrality is an ongoing learning and development process for us and we will continue to update this feature over time.”

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