Hit the 2000s 1 More Time With These Nostalgic Halloween Costume Ideas

Everett Collection / Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

If the early 2000s had to be described in two words, they would have to be “so raven.” They were the years when boy bands captured the hearts of choker-wearing tween girls, pop princesses ruled Hollywood with bared midriffs, and Disney Channel original movies were the peak of television greatness – so, millennial and Gen Z costume ideas are ripe for the picking! Here are some incredible costumes inspired by the new millennium. If you can manage to choose a favorite from this fun-filled list, any 20-something who experienced life from 2000 to 2010 will love your nostalgic costume choice! Put down your Motorola Razr and check out these blasts from the past.

– Additional reporting by Haley Lyndes

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