How TDC Global is Transforming Corporate Culture

Corporate culture has long needed a good shake-up — specifically in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion. Men in suits still dominate in boardrooms. And, frankly, more diverse representation is desperately needed not only at the top, but at every organisational level. Enter: TDC Global. 

Introducing TDC Global

TDC Global is a consultancy of change-makers driven to make exactly this kind of positive and lasting impact for organisations. They empower them to attract and retain future leaders by leveraging gender and cultural diversity.

Their programs, such as the Inclusive Leadership Program are designed to drive positive cultural change and enable orgainsations to succeed by integrating diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). They help their clients to unlock the competitive advantage that an inclusive workplace brings and drive a real and much-needed shift in corporate culture.

Where It All Began

With an ambitious goal to accelerate societal progress towards equity, TDC Global was founded in 2012 first as a passion project to advocate for and support more women in leadership. But, after finding fast success, the consultancy was eager to expand their impact from an individual scale, to transforming workplace cultures so that they enable diverse talent to thrive.

Then, they went global (and so did their client list!) TDC Global’s portfolio includes influential brands like Coca Cola, Indeed and Adobe. Plus, they’re renowned for being rated as one of the top diversity, equity and inclusion consultancies in the Asia Pacific region.

What makes world-leading brands partner with TDC Global? The impact and results that they see. Long-term partner, Adobe, has a 88% retention rate for the women that have participated in TDC Global’s leadership development programs.

TDC Global

Why Does It Matter?

It’s often said that for change to last, it needs to take hold from the inside. Through strategic advisory, training and employer branding, TDC Global partners with organisations to foster workplace cultures that reap the benefits of diversity, equity and inclusion — like improved business performance productivity and innovation.

By equipping organisations with the skills to foster environments that value diversity, teams are eighty-seven percent more likely to make better business decisions. Diverse perspectives are essential for functional teams and companies, and should absolutely be the ‘way of the world’ in 2024 (and evermore). 

If you’re like us, you might rest a little easier knowing that consultancies like TDC Global exist and are out in the world, driving positive change and lasting diversity in corporate spaces.

To find out more, visit TDC Global and check out their programs, courses and case studies for more insight into how these legends are driving global change. 

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