Nail Your Next Zoom Date With These 5 Simple Hacks

Zoom dates advice

Dating in this era is difficult enough as it is, let alone with all the restrictions that keep resurfacing that don’t allow us to kiss strangers.

Luckily, with technology giving us the ability to connect with people from anywhere, anytime, not to mention too many dating apps to count and the magic that is video calls, first dates are in fact still possible.

But if you haven’t been on a video date before, your first time can be pretty nerve-wracking. You may have doubts, which is okay, but we’re here to tell you that it works, people can fall in love over Zoom dates.

To make your first time less anxiety-inducing, we’ve got some tips for you. Here are five simple hacks to nail your next Zoom date:

Pour yourself a drink

First date nerves are pretty standard, but if you’re trying a Zoom date out for the first time, you might be a little more nervous than usual. Enter liquid courage. A good drink is not to be overlooked when it comes to calming your nerves and anxiety.

Plan a date that’s in the afternoon or evening, so you can have a drink-date over Zoom. The “let’s have a drink” date is great because you’re not really setting a length or expectation, and you might even bond over a mutual love of a certain booze? And, of course, it goes without saying that drinking should always be in moderation. No one likes a date who’s slurring.

Drinks that are good for Zoom dates and easy to make at home:

Negroni – 30ml gin, 30ml sweet vermouth, 30ml camapri, stirred over ice with an orange rind or wedge.
Margarita – 60ml tequila, 30ml lime, 15ml cointreau, 10ml agave, shaken over ice and served with a salt rim.
Fancy G&T – Pair a gin of your choice with tonic and get creative with garnishes. Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin with tonic, grapefruit and rosemary is a fave of mine.

Have an escape plan

In some ways, you need to treat a Zoom first date like an IRL first date, like having an out. It may take you longer to figure out if you’re into someone over video, but there will still come a time when you’ll either want to stay on the call or go, and you need to be ready.

Plan a date that could be either long or short, such as a drink or a coffee. The actual activity doesn’t take long, so you have the option to leave straight after, or you could stay for another.

You could also preface the date with a tentative plan afterwards that you could cancel if you’re enjoying the date and want to extend it.

Don’t use harsh lighting

Natural light is the best. If you have a house that gets afternoon sun, schedule in your Zoom date for golden hour (currently 4pm-5pm in Australia), and trust us, you won’t believe your own beauty. If your house doesn’t get great natural light, try moving around a window, because that natural light will still reflect on your face and make it look beautifully smooth and natural.

If your date is at night, then I recommend sitting by a lamp that has a warm light bulb to get that stage light warm vibe. It could be a desk lamp or even a standing lounge room lamp. It’ll produce the same kinda light you’d get in an intimate cocktail bar.

Jot down some questions

Like on any date with someone new, there might be awkward moments when neither of you knows what to say. I can imagine that this may happen more on a video date, as there’s less natural conversational flow due to the general delay of motion during video calls.

Go for a bit of a stalk on your date’s social media profile and think about some things you’d like to ask them or talk to them about, and write them down. Even if you don’t use them, having a few conversational starters for your own benefit will make you feel less anxious going into the date.

The best part? Your date won’t even know you’ve written them. Keep me next to you and you can just glance down if need be.

Glow up, but keep it natural

One of the most exhausting things about Zoom is that you can’t avoid looking at yourself the entire time. It can make you feel self-conscious of your mannerisms and anxious about someone else seeing you up close. The trick is: less is more.

Don’t stress about doing yourself up, just keep it simple. Wear a shade of lipstick that makes you feel confident, wash your hair so it’s nice and flowy, put on your favourite top… but make the most of the fact that you can go on a date with someone in the comfort of your own house — without having to decide if you’re going to let them stay the night.

And finally, an honourable mention: Call them first. Chances are that having a phone chat will ease the jitters a little bit and make you feel more like you’ve met already. Baby steps.

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